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Lighthouse Labs: B2B Marketing Software Trends Report

As the B2B marketing landscape continues to evolve, Lighthouse Labs have analyzed down funnel content consumption and engagements relating to marketing software and solutions. 

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Key Takeaways

Leveraging atlasIQ, this trend report utilizes these data-backed insights to identify crucial advancements in four strategic areas driving marketing software; account-based marketing, customer data platforms, events software and, digital advertising.
ABM Engagement Falls Sharply
The expanding array of Account-based Marketing (ABM) software, coupled with shrinking budgets has presented a significant challenge for platform vendors.
CDP Market Grows Significantly
The Customer Data Platform (CDP) market is experiencing significant growth due to the increasing demand for customer intelligence and omnichannel experiences.
Event Software Growth Falls
While advertising spend jumped three percentage points for B2B marketers it also brought a three percentage point decrease in event and sponsorship budget allocations.
Digital Advertising's Upward Trajectory

B2B advertising has reached a digital tipping point. In just five years, B2B has gone from spending just 29% of its media dollars on digital channels to a projected 49% in 2024.

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Trends Report: B2B Marketing Software

This Lighthouse Labs Trends Report underscores the pivotal advancements and strategic areas that are shaping the future of marketing software. As the landscape continues to evolve, these trends provide a roadmap for organizations to balance the need to do more with less.