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Lighthouse Labs: ERP Trends Report

As the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) landscape continues to evolve, Lighthouse Labs have analyzed down funnel content consumption and  over 3 million engagements relating to ERP software and solutions.

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Key Takeaways

Leveraging atlasIQ, this trend report utilizes these data-backed insights to identify crucial advancements in five strategic areas within Enterprise Resource Planning software and solutions: cloud deployment, integration with AI, advanced analytics, industry specificity and, IoT integration.
Cloud Deployment
Organizations are increasingly seeking to capitalize on changing markets by driving business efficiency, cost savings and insights, all in a single centralized ERP solution.
AI-Powered Insights & Improvements
As AI continues to gain adoption, organizations increasingly expect to see AI features in the ERP systems they're considering buying. 
Advanced Analytics
With effective ERP analytics, systems can now autonomously act on a user's behalf, enhancing efficiency and proactive management.
Industry Specific Cloud Offerings

Despite industry-specific ERP products carrying a larger price tag than generic ERP offerings that can be customized, demand shows no signs of slowing.

Integration with IoT

While IoT generates valuable data, integrating it into an ERP system ensures the data is reliable and actionable, enabling effective decision-making and operational magic.

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Trends Report: Enterprise Resource Planning

This Lighthouse Labs Trends Report underscores the pivotal advancements and strategic areas that are shaping the future of ERP. As the landscape continues to evolve, these trends provide a roadmap for organizations seeking to enhance their cost efficiency, flexibility, scalability, and operational responsiveness.